The CSIR provides leadership on emerging national, regional and international initiatives subscribed to by the South African government. These include the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (AsgiSA); the NEPAD Africa S&T Plan; the European Union S&T Framework; and national sectoral plans, which include the National Biotechnology Strategy, the National Spatial Development Framework, the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy (AMTS), the Energy and Fuel Cells Strategy, the National Nanotechnology Strategy, the ICT R&D Strategy, the National Accessibility Portal, and the Mine, Health and Safety Council among others.
CSIR Strategic Alliances research & development partnerships (R&D)
Useful links
- Overview
- The CSIR’s role in the National System of Innovation
- CSIR Strategic Alliances research & development partnerships (R&D)
- Private sector
- Science and Technology-Europe Africa Project
- Support to NEPAD
- The Global Research Alliance (GRA)
- The Regional Research Alliance (RRA)
- CSIR research areas
- Contact Us