EUREKA network delegation visits the CSIR

On 12 June 2013, a delegation from the international EUREKA Network – guests of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) – visited the CSIR the National Laser Centre (NLC) and Meraka Institute on a fact-finding mission to investigate R&D networking and partnership opportunities with South Africa.

DST, CSIR and EUREKA representatives at CSIR National Laser Centre.

 EUREKA is an intergovernmental network launched in 1985, to support market-oriented R&D and innovation projects by industry, research centres, and universities across all technological sectors. It comprises 41 members, including the European Union (EU), and although initially focused on Europe, its reach has now grown to include Israel, Korea, Canada and shortly, South Africa.

The delegation included:

  • The EUREKA chair, Okon Lara;
  • Head of the Secretariat, Pedro de Sampaio Nunes;
  • European Commission adviser, Michel Andrie;
  • Special adviser, Jan Monteverde Haakongen;
  • Policy adviser, Kimilike Sevimilas; and
  • Other high-level representatives from Norway, Switzerland, Spain and France.

After a welcome and overview of the CSIR and its ICT R&D projects by Berenice Lue Marais, from CSIR Strategic Alliances and Communication. Presentations were made by Dr Barend Taute, Contract R&D Manager of the Meraka Institute; Michel Andrie, European Commission adviser to the head of the EUREKA Secretariat; and Francois Prinsloo, NLC Contract R&D. The delegation went on a tour of the NLC.

Hardus Greyling explains laser refurbishment processes to EUREKA delegates.

“We have been in contact with the DST for some time now because South Africa is traditionally regarded by many international companies as an important research country with a very good R&D track record,” said Nunes.

“Besides being able to offer international support for local projects, our partnership with South Africa will also serve as an important platform for EUREKA R&D-based initiatives into the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa,” he added.

The EUREKA network comprises three main focus areas or pillars:

  • Individual projects

Often)-led by a small or medium enterprise (SME), an ‘individual project’ is a market-oriented R&D project based on a bottom-up approach involving partners from the networks’ member countries. Together, project members agree on the Intellectual Property rights and build partnerships to penetrate new markets.

  • Clusters and umbrellas

‘Clusters’ are long-term, strategically important industrial initiatives. They usually have a large number of participants and aim to develop generic technologies of key importance for European competitiveness mainly in ICT, energy and more recently, in the biotechnology sector.

Clusters bring together large companies, often competitors, along with SMEs, research institutes and universities, sharing both the risk and benefits of innovation. They focus on developing and commercially exploiting new technologies.

‘Umbrellas’ are thematic networks within the EUREKA framework, which focus on a specific technology area or business sector. The main goal of an umbrella is to facilitate the generation of EUREKA projects in its own target area.

  • Eurostars joint programmes

Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission. It is the first European funding and support programme to be specifically dedicated to research-performing SMEs. The programme stimulates SMEs to lead international collaborative research and innovation projects by easing access to support and funding.

“Through its associate membership of EUREKA, South Africa will be exposed to networking and partnership opportunities for projects funded either by the DST or its entities, such as the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), with an industrial or applied research focus. These contacts and opportunities will also help leverage additional resources, including funding, for investment in local projects,” said Berenice.

Mamohloding Tlhagale, Director: DST Strategic Partnerships said, “Our association with EUREKA presents an invaluable opportunity for South Africa to deepen its science and technology partnership with the EU, since it will ensure a stronger focus on applied research and innovation, and facilitate greater participation by South African industry. This will especially benefit SMEs, through collaborative research and innovation projects with the EU.”.

“In addition – at policy level – South Africa will be able to participate in EUREKA intergovernmental forums, in which topical research and innovation policy issues are discussed,” she added.

Now that both organisations have presented their credentials, the next stage of the process will see EUREKA formalise South Africa’s associate membership – set to be signed by both parties next year.


The article was written by: Virginia Mcmanus, CSIR Meraka Institute (Communication).

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