CSIR Africa Workshop, 11 September 2013

The CSIR hosted the Africa workshop at the Knowledge Commons on 11 September 2013.  The purpose of the workshop was to share information on current initiatives in Africa. In attendance were representatives from CSIR, DST, NEPAD, DIRCO, IDC and the dti.  CSIR initiatives on the Continent are Africa Laser Centre, SANBIO, Nanomedicine, Climate Change, Infrastructure and creating an economic platform in Uganda. DST currently has 19 bilateral agreements with different African countries focusing on education, health, agriculture, manufacturing, energy and information technology.

More information:

DST presentation: Africa Bilateral cooperation – state of play

NEPAD presentation:The review of Africa’s Science & Technology Consolidated Plan of Action

CSIR presentation: The role of CSIR in Africa

Minutes of the CSIR Africa workshop

Strategic Partnerships

About Strategic Partnerships

CSIR Strategic Alliances provides leadership in the structuring of strategic partnerships between the CSIR and R&D stakeholders that draw on the science competencies of multiple CSIR units and centres.

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