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DEA-CSIR Strategic Partnership, 21 August 2013

The CSIR-DEA strategic partnership has convened the Steering Committee, with cooperation areas having been identified.  Technical working groups are currently developing concepts under each of the cooperation areas.  Notable strategic initiatives are gleaned from the concepts under consideration.  The 3rd Steering Committee meeting is expected to provide guidance on which initiatives should be prioritised. Update […]

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CSIR/Transnet strategic partnership gains momentum

Members of the Transnet Rail Engineering (TRE) executive team visited the CSIR on 12 October 2012 for a tour of research facilities at the CSIR’s Pretoria campus. The delegation was welcomed by CSIR executives, led by CEO Dr Sibusiso Sibisi,  who lauded the commitment from members of both organisations in crafting the strategic partnership. Berenice […]

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Building stronger ties

Kugan Thaver, Head of the IDC’s Strategic High Impact Projects Strategic Business Unit and Dr Rachel Chikwamba, Group Executive: CSIR Strategic Alliances and Communication at the CSIR/IDC collaboration meeting.On 17 September 2012, Berenice Lue Marais from the CSIR Strategic Alliances Office hosted a CSIR/Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) delegation at the CSIR Knowledge Commons. “The main […]

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European – South African science and technology advancement programme Information Days: FP7 2012 Calls

ESASTAP will be hosting a series of information days on the funding opportunities afforded by the European Commission’s FP7 2013 Calls launched in July 2012 in a wide variety of themes. FP7 mobility and the European Research Council (ERC) research programmes such as: Initial training networks (ITN), International Research Staff and Exchange Scheme (IRSES), Start-up […]

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SITA tours the CSIR Meraka Institute

CSIR/State Information Technology Agency (SITA) Cooperation Meeting delegates received a unique opportunity to tour the CSIR Meraka Institute facilities in early July 2012. CSIR colleagues from Defence Peace, Safety and Security, Modelling Digital Science also joined the tour. Delegates interacted with work that is being done in the provinces as well as municipalities. The three […]

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All aboard! CSIR Executives take a tour of Transnet…

The discussions regarding formalising the CSIR/Transnet partnership gained momentum when CSIR executives accepted an invite to tour Transnet Rail Engineering’s Kilner Park (Pretoria) plant on 19 July 2012. CSIR Chief Executive Officer Dr Sibusiso Sibisi, who led the CSIR delegation, conveyed excitement about working with Transnet on a larger scale than before. “Thank you for […]

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CSIR-Transnet relationship gathers steam

A team of engineers from Transnet’s Rail Engineering division visited a number of CSIR laboratories recently on a fact-finding mission. The aim of the visit, according to Ntombi Twala, Transnet product development, was to see if they could tap into CSIR expertise as her organisation embarks on its expansion path. “We are here to see […]

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CSIR hosts a Chinese delegation

The CSIR in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology (DST) hosted a delegation from the Department of Science and Technology of Shandong province, China on 12 July 2012. The purpose of the visit was to get a better understanding of the different CSIR research areas as well as to try and ascertain whether […]

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The CSIR hosts MHSC delegation

Late last month, a high-level delegation from the Mine, Health and Safety Council (MHSC) visited the CSIR in Pretoria to discuss the possibility of the CSIR hosting a national mining Centre of Excellence (CoE). The MHSC is a national public entity comprising a tripartite board, which has representatives from: the state; employer and labour members. […]

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The CSIR forming new partnerships with Malaysia

CSIR Strategic Alliances, Berenice Lue Marais, hosted the Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) workshop in June 2012 at the CSIR Knowledge Commons. The workshop was initiated by Major-General (Ret) Otto Schür from Denel and, Brigadier-General (Ret) John Wesley, CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security’s (DPSS) Contract R&D Manager. Schür explained that he […]

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